Home Server
Raspberry Pi Cluster

My latest project I am currently working on is setting up a home server that is made out of a Raspebrry Pi 4b and 4 Raspberry Pi Zeros

This project is my current project and most likely will be my ongoing project. The server consists of a 8Gb RAM Raspberry Pi 4B, 4 Raspberry Pi Zeros, ClusterHAT, UPS, OLED and 4 Fans. The reason for a server is it host my Discord Bot as well as a PiHole to block ads by redirecting it. This could have been done by a single Raspberry Pi. However, I added the additional Pi Zeros and UPS to allow myself to try out docker, kubernetes, Portainer and future projects and Apps that require more processing power and RAM. For example a Minecraft server.
Once I had everything built, I took measurements to allow me to create a case that fits all the electronics as well as a transparent side screen it see the insides as well as have the OLED screen shine through the side displaying information about each of the Raspberry Pis as well as the UPS.